The Corporate Social Responsibility is undoubtedly an issue with respect to which new economic dynamics are developing.
We believe in the creation of fair competition based on the principles of responsibility towards social issues, in the enhancement and development of expertise and not linked to the exploitation of vulnerable groups, to the use of illegal forms of employment or inequitable contracts.
The ethical responsibility of a company guarantees the customer to have a vendor who focuses the attention to the employees aiming to:
- globally improve working conditions (where for working conditions we consider all issues relating to the work hours, night work, to the availability of the employer to pay for meals in quantity and quality corresponding to the type of work performed and to a correct communication of problems and suggestions between employees and management)
- monitoring the health of the employees and the healthiness of the workplace
- meeting regulatory requirements related to safety creating clear work procedures and continuous training on the hazards present on site and on the use of Personal Protective Equipment
- ensuring security to its employees through employment contracts that can guarantee the continuity of the work relationship and with a reasonable salary, revalued over time
All this affects the general operating costs of the company but allows the customer to have safety availability and competence guarantees from all the people involved in the service delivery process.